15 Reasons Why GoT Might Be One Of Emilia Clarke's Last Hollywood Projects

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Emilia Clarke is undeniably one the most popular actresses alive today. People can't stop talking about her, and she has the talent to back up her incredible fame. Fans of Game Of Thrones will know her as Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen of Dragons. She's one of the most notable additions to the cast of this insanely successful show, and she starting to spread her wings to take on roles outside of this amazing fantasy universe. In fact, she revealed recently on Twitter that she would be quitting Game Of Thrones, which disappointed tons of fans.

But just how successful will this actress be outside of the show which made her famous? In this article, we're going to explore all the reasons why Game Of Thrones might be one of the last times we see this star in a major production. She has a lot of things going for her, but she also faces many challenges. And even if she could keep booking roles, are we even sure that she would want to continue being an actress? If you're a fan of Emilia Clarke, you might be a little disappointed to hear that she might not be famous much longer...

She Might Be Typecast

One of the biggest challenges that actors face is the threat of being typecast. If you're not familiar with the term, it's when an actor gets pegged into playing only one role, again and again. They're forever seen as only one type of character, and they're never given the chance to show their full acting range. Past examples include Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker. He was never really given another role because everyone just simply saw him as Luke and nothing else.

Back in 2015, Emilia Clarke addressed these concerns herself in an interview with Metro. She stated, "Television gave me a boost, but I don’t want people to remember me as Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones." She also stated, "I worry about Game of Thrones ending because it is a very important part of my life as a woman and actress. But you know what they say: dreams don’t last forever." This would suggest that she's a little worried about her future after the iconic TV series.

She's Quitting Game Of Thrones, So She Might Be Tired Of Acting

It's no secret that Emilia Clarke is quitting Game Of Thrones. We've known this for over a year now, as she made the official announcement back in April of 2017, on her official Twitter account. As MensXP reported, the actress posted on her Twitter feed the following statement: "I'm terribly sorry to announce I will be leaving Game Of Thrones for the next season. It was an amazing journey." But how much should we read into this statement?

Why did Emilia Clarke decide to quit? Was it because she was sick of working on the set of Game Of Thrones, or was it because she was sick of film sets and acting in general. We know that acting on such a massive production is no easy job. Long hours and a lot of pressure are just part and parcel of the job. Emilia Clarke's decision to quit the show is a development that could mean a lot of things. Could it mean she's lost her passion for acting?

She's Not Too Happy About How Women Are Treated In Hollywood

Feminism is one of the most talked about subjects when it comes to the film industry. In recent years and months, there have been multiple social media movements and controversies surrounding the treatment of women by people high up in the Hollywood hierarchy. It's something that really needs to be addressed, and we're finally seeing the floodgates opening up. All kinds of information and stunning confessions are now pouring out.

Emilia Clarke is one woman who has addressed these concerns directly, and she had some interesting things to say. E Online reported on her feelings towards this issue, and she was quoted as saying: "I feel so naive for saying it, but it’s like dealing with racism. You’re aware of it, and you’re aware of it, but one day, you go, 'Oh, my God, it’s everywhere!' Like you suddenly wake up to it and you go, 'Wait a second, are you . . . are you treating me different because I’ve got [female features]? Is that actually happening?' It took me a really long time to see that I do get treated differently. But I look around, and that’s my daily life." Could this mean that she's completely done with Hollywood?

She Wasn't Too Happy About Some Of Her Game Of Thrones Scenes

Whether she likes it or not, Emilia Clarke will probably be best remembered for certain scenes in Game Of Thrones. It's probably safe to say that a large portion of the excitement and buzz around this talented actress has nothing to do with her acting, but rather her willingness to do whatever it takes in certain scenes to shock and wow audiences. There are a few of Clarke's scenes which are quite revealing, and they push television in a direction, which is not seen on many shows other than Game Of Thrones.

Emilia Clarke has actually displayed displeasure at these constant revealing scenes. The Daily Mail published some interesting quotes from the actress, with her apparently saying that she "wanted to be known for my acting" and not her body. She also was quoted as saying, "[Intimate] scenes should be more subtle. I’m British, so I cringe at that sort of thing anyway — I can’t stand it." If she can't stand these types of scenes, how much more can she handle in the world of Hollywood?

She Just Revealed She Doesn't Ever Want To Be In A Game Of Thrones Spin-Off

Game Of Thrones has become such a massive franchise that it's almost unthinkable that it will end. The current series might end, but that won't be the end of it. We're speculating of course, but because Game Of Thrones has been so successful, we're almost sure that there will be future spin-offs, sequels, and maybe even movies. There's just so much money to be made, and we probably won't have to wait long for more Game Of Thrones goodness after the series ends.

One person who also believes that there will be more Game Of Thrones productions in the future is Emilia Clarke herself, and she probably knows better than most people. As Stuff reported, she said "I have no doubt there'll be prequels and sequels and who knows what else. But I am doing one more season. And then that'll be it." The fact that she is so against doing any more projects in the Game Of Thrones universe might just suggest that the entire experience has discouraged her from doing any new projects in the future.

She Found It Hard To Deal With Criticism

One of the hardest things about being an actress is probably the amount of criticism you must endure. Putting yourself out there in the biggest films and TV shows is extremely brave because criticism of some kind is almost inevitable. They say that to be an actor, you have to have very thick skin. You can't let what people say affect you. Emilia Clarke is one actress who has drawn some criticism over the years, and she's not too thrilled about it.

Speaking about the amount of pressure she's under and the criticism she's exposed to, Emilia Clarke told TIME back in 2016, “It’s like I’m voluntarily walking into the fire every time. I’m like, ‘hello I’m sorry I’m currently having a good time, I would quite like to be in pain.’ With Game of Thrones, there’s always that pressure. And the bigger it gets, the bigger the pressure. I’m like, don’t let this be the season where she [messes] up because I really could.” This would suggest that she's very affected by the pressure of being an actress, and it could discourage her from taking on future projects.

There's Not Much In Her Future In Terms Of Roles

So why exactly are we saying Emilia Clarke might not take on any new projects in the future? Well, the truth is that it's not actually that much of a speculation. When we look at the facts, we see that Emilia Clarke is not slated to appear in much in the coming years. If she's not actually booked for any future roles, we have to doubt whether or not the talented actress will stay around for very long in this cutthroat, ruthless industry.

As you can see from the actress' Wikipedia page, the only big project she's linked with in the future is Solo: A Star Wars Story. We'll get into more detail about that particular film later on. In mid-2017, Newsweek did a report on all of the future projects Game Of Thrones stars were linked with. Emilia Clarke came up short when compared to other stars from the show.

She Has A Lot Of Competition

It's hard to understate the amount of competition that actors today face. Everyone wants to be an actor, which means that in order to succeed, you have to be the best of the best. Too often we see huge stars, talented actors, get thrown by the wayside and completely forgotten. There's nothing wrong with them, they just suddenly go out of style. As an actress, Emilia Clarke knows this feeling all too well.

Because Emilia Clarke has tons of competition in the film industry. She's competing for roles with the likes Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Anne Hathaway, and countless others. We're not saying that Emilia Clarke has no chance against these talented actresses, we're just saying that she's going to have to work very hard in order to beat them and land major roles.

The New Han Solo Movie Might Be A Total Flop

Now, let's turn to the biggest project that Emilia Clarke has been linked with in her post-Game Of Thrones career. We're speaking of course about the hugely anticipated film, Solo: A Star Wars Story. This is huge for Emilia Clarke. It's a make or break. It's her first big moment outside of the Game Of Thrones universe, and this will show audiences whether or not she has a future in the film industry.

And things aren't exactly looking good for the new Star Wars movie. Emilia Clarke has a lot riding on whether this film succeeds, and there has been a lot of people speculating about whether the film will be a flop. We could write an entire article about all the rumors, but Screengeek revealed that even Disney "expects the film to flop" back in 2o17. If the film flops, it's fair to expect that Emilia Clarke's career will suffer a major blow.

She Might Not Enjoy The Constant Traveling

Another possible negative aspect of a career in film is the constant traveling. It's impossible to settle down, and in a major production like Game Of Thrones, you are constantly traveling from one end of the earth to the other. Just look at all of the locations Game Of Thrones take place in— deserts, icy tundras, forests. This show was filmed all over the place, and the actors go wherever they're told. If you're not too thrilled about constantly traveling, then acting is probably not the career for you.

The Express reported on an Instagram video posted by Emilia Clarke, which was a view of the clouds as she flew above London in a plane, presumably traveling to set. She captioned the video: “If anyone wonders where I spend the majority of my time? It’s up here in the clouds, so instead of me reciting the safety briefing in Valyrian, I give you this setting sun over London instead to remind you that for the good and the bad this too shall pass.” Although it was a beautiful picture, the caption had a slightly desperate tone to it. Might she be tired of traveling around?

Her Terminator Movie Wasn't Too Successful

But it's not like Emilia Clarke hasn't done anything except Game Of Thrones in her entire career. She's actually got a few major credits under her belt, including the newest and most recent installment in the Terminator franchise, Terminator: Genisys. In this film, Emilia Clarke landed the role of Sarah Connor, the mother of John Connor, the future leader of mankind, and probably one of the most awesome female soldiers in sci-fi history.

But the film can't really be called a success. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a pretty embarrassing score of just 26%, and the critics definitely don't think twice about telling everyone how terrible they think this movie is. In fact, the Guardian reported that the movie was such a failure at the box office that it essentially ended the Terminator franchise, with all future movies being called off. This amount of failure can't be too encouraging to a relatively new name like Emilia Clarke. Might she hold back on joining other movies in the future as a result of this failure?

Disability Activist Groups Were Angry About One Of Her Past Movies

Although Emilia Clarke is definitely a talented actress, the films she's been involved with haven't had the best of reception. You might say she's been a little bit unlucky with how the public has reacted to some of her films, and 2016's, Me Before You, is a prime example of that. It was one of Emilia Clarke's first roles outside of Game Of Thrones, and it actually proved to be surprisingly controversial.

As the Telegraph reported, disabled rights groups were pretty angry about Emilia Clarke's film. One activist told media sources "This film is offensive to disabled people, the vast majority of whom want to live— not die. Our lives and those of our loved ones are not mired in tragedy as depicted in this film.” Another actress stated: “The message of the film is that disability is tragedy and disabled people are better off dead. It comes from a dominant narrative carried by society and the mainstream media that says it is a terrible thing to be disabled.” This might prove to be yet another blow to Emilia Clarke's confidence that could dissuade her from future projects.

She Might Go Into Music Instead

So far, we've gone over quite a few negative aspects regarding Emilia Clarke's career, but it's not all the end of the world for this actress— quite the opposite, actually. There's no denying that she's incredibly talented, and these talents are not restricted to simply acting. She is multi-lingual, speaking many languages, and she's also a skilled musician. She knows how to play multiple instruments, and she can also sing.

UK Celebrity Gossip reported back in 2014 that Emilia Clarke has a lot of hidden talents, and she can play the flute, the guitar, and the piano. Her singing voice can also be witnessed on YouTube and on social media. With so much musical talent, might Emilia Clarke focus more on a singing career in the future? That's definitely a possibility.

She Literally Was Sick After Doing A Scene In Game Of Thrones

If you've ever seen Game Of Thrones, you'll know that there are plenty of shocking scenes. Emilia Clarke's character is involved with quite a few of these, and the shock factor is not always related to Emilia's lack of attire. In one scene, she had to eat several fake hearts, and the end result was a very striking moment in the series. She once spoke out about how hard that one scene was to film.

Express published an interview with Emilia Clarke in which she revealed that she actually vomited repeatedly during that scene. She admitted: “It was very helpful to be given something so truly disgusting to eat, so there wasn’t much acting required. They made the heart out of solidified jam but it tasted like bleach and raw pasta. I ate roughly 28 hearts throughout the days we filmed that scene. Fortunately, they gave me a spit bucket because I was vomiting in it quite often.” Experiences like these may stay rooted in her mind, discouraging her from diving into more acting roles in the future.

She Might Want To Start A Family – And If She Does, She Wants Many Children

For a lot of actors these days, one of the biggest challenges is balancing family life and a professional life. Acting is one of the most time-consuming, demanding careers in the world, and long hours on set are just par for the course. Add in constant travel, and you have a recipe for a very challenging family life. Right now, Emilia Clarke does not have children, but that may change in the near future. And who knows how that will affect her career.

CTV published a quote from Emilia Clarke back in 2014 which is quite revealing. She told Marie Claire Magazine: "Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon. You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family." With a lot of children comes tons of responsibility, so one would assume that her career would be put on hold or even ended with that many children.

Sources: metro.us, mensxp.com, eonline.com, dailymail.co.uk, stuff.co.nz, time.com, express.co.uk, newsweek.com, screengeek.com, theguardian.com, rottentomatoes.com,
