Daniel Tosh Calls Out Arn Anderson On Tosh.0 & The Enforcer Responds (Videos)

Daniel Tosh aired an episode of The Arn Show podcast in which Conrad Thompson asks Arn Anderson about the comedian always calling and out and trashing him on his hit Comedy Central show, Tosh.0. Arn answers the question regarding Tosh, telling him at least 10 people per meet and greet ask him about Tosh and now that he’s not signed to either WCW or WWE (something he has been for 30+ years), Arn’s availability is wide open to pay a meet and greet to Tosh himself.

Tosh responded on this week’s episode of his show, doing a segment that he called “The Arn Sucks Podcast.” This consisted of trashing Arn’s patented spinebuster, even going as far to include a WCW 1995 Orlando match where Anderson lost to Jim Duggan. Tosh brought “Hacksaw” on the show to take some 2×4 sized digs at “The Enforcer.”

Let’s just say, Arn didn’t take too kindly to Tosh’s trash-talking and cut quite the promo on the funny man, stating (in front of a fireplace nonetheless) that he’s ready to find out if Daniel is ready to back up what his mouth has been yammering about. He’s ready to shame him in front of his 30 million Twitter followers.

Oh Daniel…Double A has a message for you. #ARNVSTOSH@danieltosh @ComedyCentral #Tosh pic.twitter.com/XDo2f5Hnmm

— Arn Anderson (@TheArnShow) November 13, 2019

Arn played an important presence over the course of Starrcast weekend in Baltimore, including taking the time to speak with the media after his WCW panel that took place with him, Magnum TA, Lex Luger and Ronnie Garvin. Check out that full media scrum below:
