Who was Michael Vance and what happened to him?

Born on May 14 1978, Michael Vance was a psychopath who went on a shooting spree in October 2016 and killed his uncle and aunt in Luther, Oklahoma.

Vance, who was 38 at the time, was on the run when he was shot dead by an Oklahoma State trooper on October 30, 2016.

The only people who died during this entire incident were Ronald Wilkson and Valerie Kay Wilkson, an elderly retired couple. They were brutally murdered, after which Vance fled with Kay's car.

The entire incident will see a complete re-enactment in the upcoming episode of American Monster. During an interview, the deceased couple's daughter, Evelyn Prince, tearfully said:

"I hope we get the truth to where everybody could know what really happened that day, not just to my family but the numerous other people shot by Michael Vance. This goes beyond my family, the community and everybody has the right to know what really happened."

Disclaimer: This article contains details of murder and violence. Discretion is advised.

Michael Vance intended to behead his victims

On October 23 2016, Michael Vance got out of jail and began his day-long crime spree. He first acquired a gun and shot two police officers. He then stole a car and switched it in a trailer park on Route 66. He even shot a woman while doing so.

After this, he made his way to Ronald and Valerie Kay's residence in Luther, Oklahoma. Vance was the son of one of Valerie's cousins. He brutally killed the couple by stabbing them in the neck. The stab wounds indicated that he intended to behead his victims. Valerie also sustained defensive wounds on her arms.

After killing the couple, Michael Vance took Kay's car and drove towards Oklahoma City. On October 24, he posted two videos on Facebook, documenting his escape from the police. By this time, this news had already become a national affair.

A week after this, he was finally gunned down by law enforcement. This happened near Leedey, 130 miles northwest of Oklahoma City and 45 miles north of where he was last seen a week earlier.

Tracking Michael Vance became possible because a farmer tipped off the police as he had sighted Vance's vehicle, which matched the description of the car the fugitive was thought to be driving.

The Wilksons are buried at Luther Cemetery (Image via Luther Register News)

Oklahoma Highway Patrol Chief Ricky Adams described the shootout as “pretty dramatic.” Speaking to an Oklahoma newspaper, he said:

"We pinned him down. He’s dead … It was an extremely good job of police work by every agency involved."

Dave Turk, spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service in Washington, D.C., who participated in the manhunt, said:

"There was an exchange of gunfire between the state trooper and the subject, and the subject was killed.”

Vance was wanted on multiple charges. Oklahoma County Sheriff John Whetsel said that Vance had most likely made a list of targets connected to a pending s*xual assault case filed against him.

He was supposed to appear in court on November 7, 2016, for s*xually assaulting a 15-year-old girl.

The upcoming episode of American Monster has been described as:

"Family comes first to grandparents Ron and Kay Wilkson, though they may not have much money, their growing brood always knows how to make their own fun. However, something evil is prowling close to home and not everyone will make it out alive."

To learn more about this case in detail, watch American Monster season 8, episode 8, airing on January 1, 2023, at 9 pm on ID.

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