Undertaker and Stone Cold at WrestleMania 2000

If neither Austin or Taker had left I would of done the following:

At Unforgiven I would of had both Austin and Undertaker as enforcers for the 6 pack challenge.

At No Mercy I would of kept The Rock v Bulldog and Austin v Triple H.

Then the next Raw I would have Austin beat Bulldog and Rock beat Taker for the Triple Threat at Survivor Series.

Survivor Series would see Triple H retain the title. Next night on Raw I would book Rock v Austin and have Rock win (purely to gain revenge for WM15 and Backlash) and to get a title shot on Smackdown, which Triple H wins with interference.

Armageddon would see Triple H v Vince as normal, with the WWF Title on the line, with Triple H wanting revenge for when Vince beat him on Smackdown as well as all the Stephanie stuff. Triple H wins as he did with Steph's help.

Royal Rumble would see The Rock win, eliminating Taker and Austin last and Triple H beating Cactus Jack in a street fight. No Way Out would be Triple H/Cactus Jack in a Hell In A Cell match and a tag match with Rock/Austin v Taker and Big Show.

Wrestlemania would then be Taker v Austin with Taker winning, and Rock would defeat Triple H for the WWF Title.

Backlash would see the Iron Man Match between Triple H and The Rock, with Rock winning and Taker v Austin with Austin winning and Taker then taking a few months off to return at Survivor Series as ABA.

Judgement Day I would have a Fatal 4 Way Elimination match between Triple H, Taker, Austin and Rock with HBK as ref. Taker would then take a few months off to return at Survivor Series as ABA. Would have Rock and Austin as last 2 with Rock winning after both Taker and Triple H interfere and attack both Rock and Austin, then I would set up Rock v Austin for KOTR, and Triple H v Kane.

Fully Loaded would be Benoit v Rock, Triple H v Jericho and Austin v Angle.

Summerslam would be Rock, Triple H and Angle for WWF Title with Austin as ref.

Unforgiven would be Rock, Austin, Angle and Kane for WWF title, and Triple H v Kurt Angle.

No Mercy would see Angle beat Rock, Triple H beat Benoit and Austin beat Kane.

Survivor Series sees ABA return, Angle def Austin for WWF Title and Triple H def Rock.

Armegeddon is 6 man Hell In A Cell with Kane taking Rikishi's place, and Benoit v Billy Gunn with Jericho added for IC title.

After that everything happens as it did.
