Where is Lynlee Renick now? Whereabouts explored ahead of A&E's Taking the Stand episode

A Missouri mother-of-two, Lynlee Renick, was convicted in December 2021 for the murder of her husband, renowned ball python breeder Ben Renick.

She was found guilty of second-degree murder and armed criminal action by a jury after prosecutors unraveled an intricate murder plot she had orchestrated with the assistance of two accomplices.

A&E's Taking the Stand will further delve into the case against Lynlee Renick in an upcoming episode scheduled to air on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 10 pm ET. The synopsis states:

"When Ben Renick is found dead in his snake facility, law enforcement assumes he is a victim of one of his snakes -- until the coroner finds bullet casings hidden behind shelves; three years of investigation eventually lead police to Ben's wife."

Ben, who was found dead at one of his facilities in June 2017, was initially believed to have been killed by one of his snakes until authorities found shell casings at the scene and declared it a homicide.

However, the case was only solved after authorities received an unusual tip that led them to investigate the snake breeder's widowed wife.

According to reports, Lynlee Renick was sentenced to 16 years in prison in January 2022 and is currently serving time at the Chillicothe Correctional Center for women in Livingston County, Missouri.

Lynlee Renick was found guilty in the murder of her husband more than four years after his death

Lynlee Renick was found guilty of second-degree murder and armed criminal action. on December 9, 2021, for the death of her renowned snake breeder husband Ben, after a four-day trial.

According to reports, during the high-profile trial, jurors disregarded the emotional testimony of 33-year-old Renick in favor of the Missouri authorities. Following the jury's recommendation, Judge Kevin Crane had little remorse for the woman who had her husband, Ben Renick, 29, murdered.

The judge expressed his disagreement with the decision to convict her of second-degree murder rather than first-degree murder, stressing that she will likely have a life outside of jail after serving her sentence while also noting that Ben would still be alive if it weren't for her.

Renick encouraged her former boyfriend Michael Humphrey to assist her in the crime. Humphrey was earlier found guilty of first-degree murder but received a settlement for second-degree murder in exchange for testifying against Renick.

Prosecutors alleged that Lynlee persuaded Humphrey and a few of her friends into participating in her vicious murder plot scheme. She told them that Ben was abusing her and that she and her co-worker Ashley Shaw even tried to kill him by giving him a Percocet-laced protein shake.

Ben was later killed by Humphrey, who shot the victim to death on June 8, 2017, at his snake breeding facility.

Lynlee Renick, however, took the stand and maintained her innocence, denying any involvement and accusing her deceased husband of mistreating her. She claimed that he s*xually assaulted her in her sleep and even pushed her against the refrigerator during an argument on one occasion.

Meanwhile, the victim's brother, Sam Renick, refuted the allegations of abuse, claiming that his former sister-in-law concocted a "web of lies" to conceal the truth about the murder.

He further added that she murdered Ben for money. Moreover, back in 2017 when the incident occurred, she was the first to report it and even led Sam to his brother's body while pretending to be distraught herself.

According to Law & Crime, Sam Renick said:

"She let me directly to my brother’s body, and then put on a show, an act, a display that will forever haunt me for the rest of my days, yelling ‘why,’ ‘how,’ pretending to me that she did not know what she had done to this beautiful young man."

Where is Lynlee Renick now?

Lynlee Renicks' defense initially requested a total of 13 years in sentence for both the murder count and the armed criminal action and even proposed to the judge to reduce it to 10 years, which is the mandatory minimum on the murder count.

To justify their request for mercy, her defense stated that the jury's verdict of second-degree murder did not show that the defendant had premeditated her actions.

Renick was given a 16-year jail term in January 2021, despite the defense's attempts to have it reduced. The decision was made following the jury's suggestion of a maximum sentence of 16 years, comprising 13 for the murder conviction and three for the armed criminal action charge. She is reportedly serving time at the Chillicothe Correctional Center for women in Livingston County, Missouri.

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